I like a glass of beer and a glass of wine without getting overboard.

Hi, My name is Eddie McVay and I am the main reviewer and writer on this site.
There are many people who like to brew wine and beer at home and I try to help with this.
I am no expert or claim to know everything.
There are more and more people who like to brew their own beer or wine.
Although they both have their different processes there are also similarities.
I will try to provide you with all the information to get started with this fascinating hobby.
I have made many batches of beer that were terrible. I learned from all the mistakes I made and share them with you here on the Easy Beer And Wine website.
Why Easy? Because if you avoid my mistakes and follow some of the step-by-step instructions you basically can not go wrong.
There are many ways to start this hobby.
You can go all the way and spend a small fortune or just take it step by step and learn from each step.
This is totally up to you.
All the information on this website is free.
For some of our recommendations, I get a few dollars without it raising your price. I will never advise on anything for that reason.
Have fun reading and let me know what we can do to improve the site.
Eddie McVay