Zazzol Wine Aerator

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Zazzol Wine Aerator review
Zazzol Wine Aerator

The reason I had a good look at the Zazzol wine aerator is that I read some great things about it when I started researching and trying to find out more about wine aerators and the benefits of this process.

The first thing I have to tell that aerating is basically only for red wine.

Reason is that the process of aeration woks best because of the tannin in the red wine. Rose and white wines lack these.

Table of Contents

What is the purpose of aerating wine?

The purpose of aerating wine is to expose it to air.
The air will help with oxidation and evaporation. That is also the reason to use a wine preserver before storing, if you have wine left
Since wine contains several hundred components the aeration will enhance flavor.

How does the Zazzol aerator work

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There are three aeration stages that the Zazzol utilize.

    • Umbrella shaped wine sprayer

The umbrella part allows the wine to be exposed to the air

    • Drizzle plate

The Drizzle plat with 32 holes forces air in the wine.

    • Forced vortex

The forced vortex percolates the wine and aerated it while pouring in a glass.

The firs part has a large 2.36 inch opening to avoid spilling.
The pretty deep chamber prevents over flow or splashing.
It comes with a nice stand to place it on after using it.

Customer reviews of the Zazzol wine aerator

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I was very surprised by the high number of ratings and the number of people who took the time to write about there experience with it.
I found:

  • 86% 5 stars
  • 4% 4 stars
  • 3% 3 stars
  • 2% 2 stars
  • 1% 1 stars

You can read all the customer reviews here

Myths about aerating wine

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One of the most heard myths is that aerating wine will prevent hangovers.
I can tell you that this is total nonsense.

Aerating makes wine go bad faster.
Although the air increases oxidation the wine can still be kept for a while.

Aerating takes out sulfides.
No it does not. I just adds air to your wine.

My opinion of the Zazzol wine aerator

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I have read about quit a few other aerators but in my opinion this is one of the best wine aerators.

Cleaning seems to be very easy and with rinsing it under the sink you are basically done.
It is however also dish washer safe!

All these things are nice to know but more important is to know what it does to our wine and if it improves the taste.

After searching for the answer to that question I can say that according to most of the users the Zazzol wine aerator improve the taste of their red wine.

The nice size makes it also easy to take with you anywhere you go.

What also was mentioned as a plus is that you can use it on a bottle and on a single glass.
This means that if you do not drink the whole bottle you can just pour one glass at the time and keep your bottle not aerated.

Overall I think I can call the Zazzol wine aerator a good product for the (in my opinion) very affordable price and it will enhance the flavor of your wine.

Zazzol Wine Aerator
Zazzol Wine Aerator

Eddie McVay

Eddie McVay is a passionate home brewer and an enthusiastic amateur connoisseur, He has been crafting his beers and wines for over a decade. His journey began with a simple home brewing kit and has since evolved into a deep understanding of the intricacies of brewing. With a knack for making complex brewing techniques accessible to beginners, his articles offer a blend of practical advice, DIY tips, and insights into the art of fermentation. Read more about Eddie Mcvay here.

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